Children like Nakalembe sumini is one of our children in the village of Bukaaye who is always with a smile due to the great care and support offered to her from her world mother/ sponsor. Aim Born Champions Children Africa is doing its work of supporting the children and families to thrive during this lockdown that is caused by the pandemic situation of Coronavirus.
She is so happy for the great care that the team of ABCCA on ground is offering to her.
Many of our families in the village of Bukaaye are cared for by ABCCA and we make sure that all of then take fruits that can keep their immune systems strong. Food is given to them to make sure that they have meals everyday. God is good our wonderful supporters are helping us always to pass through all these hard situations.
Soap is available for all of us to utilize in terms of washing hands regularly in order to protect ourselves against the viruses that can attack us through the hands.
Thank you so much everyone for supporting us and thank you all for your prayers to us🙏🙏🙏