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Children love writing letters and drawing pictures for their sponsors.

These two boys are brothers, the elder one is called Mugoberezi Paius and the younger is called Kamyuka Richard. They are both still in Lower class levels (Primary level). They are both sponsored by one sponsor and so much proud to be in school as well as living a better life. They can share what they learn at school, what they go through while in the village and how their life generally is in Uganda through letter writing. Now that post office can move our messages in the envelopes to their final destinations, these children will be so glad to send out their interests and their words through letter writing to their sponsors.

We thank you so much our dear sponsors for supporting these dearest children in the community.

If you have a friend who is interested to take up sponsorship, we still have more children whom they can support and write to like these two brothers do.

Thank you.

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